Using custom fonts with Xcode 6 / iOS 8 Interface Builder Launch Screen Using custom fonts with Xcode 6 / iOS 8 Interface Builder Launch Screen xcode xcode

Using custom fonts with Xcode 6 / iOS 8 Interface Builder Launch Screen

Did you actually added it to the plist File?

Here's a short introduction how to do this:

Greetings, Alex

EDIT: Actually I tried to add my own fonts to my with the interface Builder and it doesn't work. Seems to be a bug... This bug only appears, when I use an attributed String

I found a solution that works for me. I was having the same problem you've described, and I came across this helpful page:

The key step that I was missing was step #2: Click on each of your fonts in the Project Navigator, and check the box for your project under Target Membership in the File Inspector.

I faced the same problem, even after double checking all the steps described in the really good cheat sheet provided by codewithchris.

In my case it was related to the size classes and I could quickly fix it by deleting the size classes customization:

enter image description here