Using NSLog for debugging Using NSLog for debugging xcode xcode

Using NSLog for debugging

Try this piece of code:

NSString *digit = [[sender titlelabel] text];NSLog(@"%@", digit);

The message means that you have incorrect syntax for using the digit variable. If you're not sending it any message - you don't need any brackets.

Use NSLog() like this:

NSLog(@"The code runs through here!");

Or like this - with placeholders:

float aFloat = 5.34245;NSLog(@"This is my float: %f \n\nAnd here again: %.2f", aFloat, aFloat);

In NSLog() you can use it like + (id)stringWithFormat:(NSString *)format, ...

float aFloat = 5.34245;NSString *aString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"This is my float: %f \n\nAnd here again: %.2f", aFloat, aFloat];

You can add other placeholders, too:

float aFloat = 5.34245;int aInteger = 3;NSString *aString = @"A string";NSLog(@"This is my float: %f \n\nAnd here is my integer: %i \n\nAnd finally my string: %@", aFloat, aInteger, aString);

Why do you have the brackets around digit?It should be

NSLog("%@", digit);

You're also missing an = in the first line...

NSString *digit = [[sender titlelabel] text];