What do the XML Elements in an .xcscheme file do What do the XML Elements in an .xcscheme file do xcode xcode

What do the XML Elements in an .xcscheme file do

Be forewarned, this is only a partial answer from a non-iOS developer because I believe the question qualifies for closing because of a lack of research:

Answering what all of those values mean would be overly time consuming and a waste of that time for someone not involved in your project (the information is out there, though). Engineering requires wading through documentation and endless websites to answer even a small piece of information when needed.

Google Something More Unique

Everything below is what I was able to do in about fifteen minutes of Googling (granted, the Titolo resource I am about to reference was published in 2015, your question in 2013):

As I am not an iOS developer, I can't speak to the validity of these types of resources; however, they seem legit. I Googled BlueprintIdentifier because that seemed unique enough and was able to find some good stuff on the second page of Google.

Michelle Titolo has done a good job of describing the purpose of the following XML body (and the terminology necessary to understand it):

<BuildActionEntry    buildForTesting = ""    buildForRunning = ""    buildForProfiling = ""    buildForArchiving = ""    buildForAnalyzing = "">    <BuildableReference       BuildableIdentifier = ""       BlueprintIdentifier = ""       BuildableName = ""       BlueprintName = ""       ReferencedContainer = "">    </BuildableReference> </BuildActionEntry>

What About the Other Stuff

These really are covered by the documentation that @Antarr Byrd posted in a comment early on. For instance, BuildableIdentifier is covered under the documentation for the BuildableReference node as are things like LaunchAction.

The more I go back to Google, the more I read, the more I am convinced all of those values are adequately documented by the documentation. They may not be in an expected format, but they are certainly documented.

Documentation is the result of human-written "stuff". The people that write this may not always organize in a digestible fashion; however, that doesn't mean the information is not there.