What is the 'standard' content of .gitignore for an iPhone (Xcode) project? What is the 'standard' content of .gitignore for an iPhone (Xcode) project? xcode xcode

What is the 'standard' content of .gitignore for an iPhone (Xcode) project?


This is a good start.

updated with Dave's suggestions.

You should also exclude xcworkspace and xcuserdata in xcode 4.2. So here is a complete list which one should ignore for iOS projects

# Exclude the build directorybuild/*# Exclude temp nibs and swap files*~.nib*.swp# Exclude OS X folder attributes.DS_Store# Exclude user-specific XCode 3 and 4 files*.mode1*.mode1v3*.mode2v3*.perspective*.perspectivev3*.pbxuser*.xcworkspacexcuserdata

From the GitHub gitignore project, as of today:

# Xcode.DS_Storebuild/*.pbxuser!default.pbxuser*.mode1v3!default.mode1v3*.mode2v3!default.mode2v3*.perspectivev3!default.perspectivev3*.xcworkspace!default.xcworkspacexcuserdataprofile*.moved-asideDerivedData.idea/

Source: https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/Objective-C.gitignore