What's the quickest way to compare a NSUInteger with an int (e.g. 5) in objective-c? What's the quickest way to compare a NSUInteger with an int (e.g. 5) in objective-c? xcode xcode

What's the quickest way to compare a NSUInteger with an int (e.g. 5) in objective-c?

STAssertEquals requires that you compare like types to like types. So add "U" to the number to make it an unsigned literal:

STAssertEquals([nsMutableArrayInstance count], 5U, nil);

Alternatively, you could use OCHamcrest to say:

assertThat(nsMutableArrayInstance, hasCountOf(5));

NSUInteger i = 42;int j = 5;if (i > j) {  NSLog(@"the universe has not ended yet");}

Instead of using STAssertEquals, you could use STAssertTrue:

STAssertTrue([nsMutableArrayInstance count] == 5, @"xxxx");


STAssertEquals([nsMutableArrayInstance count], (NSUInteger)5, @"xxxx");

(NSUInteger)5 does not look as clean as 5U but it will also work correctly when compiling for 64-bit.