Where do I set the application icon in an iphone app Where do I set the application icon in an iphone app xcode xcode

Where do I set the application icon in an iphone app

This is what I have in my Info.plist for the icons of all supported devices (ipod, iphone, retina display, ipad):


The @2x files refer to retina display. The -72 refer to ipad.


This is the textual representation of the list above in my info.plist file:

<key>Icon files</key><array>    <string>Icon.png</string>    <string>Icon@2x.png</string>    <string>Icon-72.png</string>    <string>Icon-Small-50.png</string>    <string>Icon-Small.png</string>    <string>Icon-Small@2x.png</string></array>

XCode 4 EDIT;

As of Xcode 4, the best way to set the icons for your app is to access the Summary pane of your target settings, as displayed in the image below, and drag-drop the icons on the available controls (separately for iPhone and iPad, retina and non-retina).

enter image description here

If you're using Xcode 4, the easiest way to change the icon is to drag a new icon into the App Icon pane of the target summary panel. Select your project in the project navigator, click on your target, select the Summary tab, and if necessary scroll down a bit until you see the App Icon pane. If you don't see it, try clicking the disclosure triangle next to the "iPad/iPhone Deployment Info" title. You can also set things like the main nib, supported orientations, and launch image(s).

See the Icon and Image Design section of the mobile HIG, which provides details about every icon you need and how to configure them appropriately.