XCode 11.4 - Reinstalling app in UITest fails: "Could not locate installed application" XCode 11.4 - Reinstalling app in UITest fails: "Could not locate installed application" xcode xcode

XCode 11.4 - Reinstalling app in UITest fails: "Could not locate installed application"

It appears to be a bug (or feature) of Xcode 11.4, so that it may not recognise that the app has been deleted if you follow the procedure given in https://stackoverflow.com/a/36168101/13081999 ; in fact others have encountered the same type of problem, and have reported it to Apple, e.g., FB7666257.

I would suggest going back to Xcode 11.3 for now, if you need to delete the test app before each new test. Or manually delete the test app each time.

This actually was a bug Apple fixed in Xcode 11.4 (According to the release notes provided on Xcode 11.4 (Testing) section). Only one application installation per test session is allowed, for faster execution of the tests.

Make sure you have the 'Enable UI Automation' setting enabled under the 'Developer' app in Settings. Hopefully, that solves the problem.