Xcode 11, Cocos2dx compilation problem: Argument value 10880 is outside the valid range [0, 255] btVector3.h Xcode 11, Cocos2dx compilation problem: Argument value 10880 is outside the valid range [0, 255] btVector3.h xcode xcode

Xcode 11, Cocos2dx compilation problem: Argument value 10880 is outside the valid range [0, 255] btVector3.h

Temporary solution suggested in this forum : https://discuss.cocos2d-x.org/t/xcode-11-ios-13-cocos-not-running/46825

In btVector3.h, just replace

#define BT_SHUFFLE(x,y,z,w) ((w)<<6 | (z)<<4 | (y)<<2 | (x))

With new code:

#define BT_SHUFFLE(x, y, z, w) (((w) << 6 | (z) << 4 | (y) << 2 | (x)) & 0xff)

This solves compilation error. Waiting for Valid Fix from Cocos2d Team :-