Xcode 11 crashes when copy/pasting views from different storyboards Xcode 11 crashes when copy/pasting views from different storyboards xcode xcode

Xcode 11 crashes when copy/pasting views from different storyboards

The issue for me was because i had the app running in the background. After closing the emulator i was able to copy/cut and paste (even in different storyboard files).

Xcode->Preferences-LocationsClick on the little arrow underneath "Derived Data" and delete that folder.After I did this I could cut and paste between storyboards.

Same issue here. I think it's a bug with the new Xcode 11.

Found a quick workaround. Instead of copying and pasting view controllers which will cause Xcode to crash you can use cmd + D to duplicate the view controllers . But this will only be useful if in the same storyboard