Xcode 12 - Project Navigator width is stuck/locked, can't resize Xcode 12 - Project Navigator width is stuck/locked, can't resize xcode xcode

Xcode 12 - Project Navigator width is stuck/locked, can't resize

Please follow these steps if you don't want to reopen the Xcode everytime:

  1. Right-click (or control-click) on any file
  2. Select Open in New Window
  3. And ta-da! You can now resize the project navigator freely!

Performing the above steps

Instead of opening a new window, just use a tab:

  1. Open a new tab (+T)
  2. Close the old one

This also annoyed me....finally I clicked around and found the show/hide navigator icon on the very top left next to the os icons and clicked it...after that it could resize.

it is to the left of the play button fyi.