Xcode 4.5 Command Line Tools - xcode-select issue Xcode 4.5 Command Line Tools - xcode-select issue xcode xcode

Xcode 4.5 Command Line Tools - xcode-select issue

The new location seems to be (be sure to run as root):

sudo xcode-select -switch /Library/Developer/

Since your Xcode tools are installed in /usr/bin, you should

sudo xcode-select -switch /

With XCode 4.5 installed AND Command Line Tools installed, I had to use this to get MacPorts and other similar things (like Ruby Gems or Perl CPAN module installation) working:

sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/

I found that /Library/Developer did not work. Note that the Developer folder is not under /Library for me, it's under the app bundle file content folders.

I'm not sure why this is, but people googling this issue may come here and want to know the other commandline options that are commonly usable with xcode-select, thus this answer, even though it doesn't 100% apply to the original question (where command line tools are installed WITHOUT XCode).