XCode 4: Archive is using old project name XCode 4: Archive is using old project name xcode xcode

XCode 4: Archive is using old project name

Go to Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme in the list on the left select Archive and you will get a form with text box Archive Name where you can make your change.

This works for Xcode 4.6 + for sure.

EDIT: Out of date!

It seems that the scheme doesn't get renamed when the project gets renamed.

I guess this is one of the low priority things on the Xcode team's to do list...

Anyway, just needed to rename the scheme

The answer is fine, it's just not obvious on Xcode,

1) To edit your scheme, use Product -> Scheme -> Manage Schemes, once there, you will see the list, I know; there is no "edit" for the name as such, however, click on your scheme name twice (slow click), the name will allow you to edit it and change it.

2) To edit your Archive name (i.e. the name that appear under the scheme when you archive on Organiser), use Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme -> Goto Archive (left menu) -> and then enter what you like in the Archive Name.

I hope that help, the above answers are correct, just wanted to share the exact steps on how to edit, as I had one of those moments myself for not seeing an EDIT button there...

