Xcode 5/iOS 7 - localization not working in simulator Xcode 5/iOS 7 - localization not working in simulator xcode xcode

Xcode 5/iOS 7 - localization not working in simulator

If you are using xcode 6.1.1 and iOS sdk 8.1,try this workaround.

It seems localization does not work with xCode 6.1 and 8.1 simulator.Workaround:Go to "edit schemes" >> "Run" (side bar) >> "Options" tab >> "Application Language"Select the language you wish to run the app on the simulator.I got this workaround from Workaround by natanavra Thanks to him.

However I read on developer forum,that it is working in 6.2 beta version of Xcode. Hope it do.

Maybe you have run the app at some time where the file Localizable.strings already existed but has not been localized yet. If this is the case, this unlocalized file still resides in the resources folder in the application bundle in the simulator (when you build an run a new version of your app in the simulator or in the device, unused files will not be deleted). This can lead to problems.

Try to delete the app completely from the simulator and build an run again.

I have experienced similar issues (IB localization in my case) on device. So general answer would be

Device - Uninstall app and clean project by Shift+CMD+K

Simulator - Go iOS simulator > Reset Content and Settings and clean project by Shift+CMD+K

These problems are really annoying. Along with poor ability to update localized strings is localization one of the biggest drawback of iOS development.