Xcode 6.4 showing duplicate 'Simulators' with Unique Id Xcode 6.4 showing duplicate 'Simulators' with Unique Id xcode xcode

Xcode 6.4 showing duplicate 'Simulators' with Unique Id

Solution from sunnyxx's weibo:

1.quit Xcode and iOS Simulator

2.killall -9 com.apple.CoreSimulator.CoreSimulatorService

3.rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices

4.reopen Xcode

Edit: sudo seems unnecessary to kill SimulatorService.This solution will remove all exist simulator and recreate all available version and type simulators.

I have an easier way to fix this.

Run the following:

xcrun simctl list devices | grep -v '^[-=]' | cut -d "(" -f2 | cut -d ")" -f1 | xargs -I {} xcrun simctl delete "{}"

You can use the following command :

snapshot reset_simulators

If you don't already have snapshot installed :

sudo gem install snapshot.

More info on snapshot here : https://github.com/krausefx/snapshot#installation