Xcode 8.1 "No matching provisioning profiles found" after updating MacOS and Xcode Xcode 8.1 "No matching provisioning profiles found" after updating MacOS and Xcode xcode xcode

Xcode 8.1 "No matching provisioning profiles found" after updating MacOS and Xcode

I had this same error when my Xcode wildcard profile expired. Xcode didn't automatically renew it even though everything was set to automatic.

I logged in to the the portal, edited the XC: * profile, hit generate and then downloaded the resulting certificate. All good after that.

On Xcode's Capabilities screen, turning a capability On and then Off will fix the issue.

None of the other answers worked for me.

I had to delete all certificates from KeyChain, and also revoke them in Apple Developer portal. Then manually request a Distribution certificate in KeyChain. Upload it to the Developer portal.

XCode (8.3) must be stopped because it keeps creating certificates as they are being deleted from KeyChain.

Also, KeyChain burped and suddenly had a whole bunch of certificates and keys that it wasn't showing before. I don't know why that happened. Some were expired, which may have been causing the original problem. I deleted them all too.

Finally, XCode was happy to Archive, and Upload to iTunes. Only two hours wasted this time.