Xcode 8 iOS 10 non stop device logs Xcode 8 iOS 10 non stop device logs xcode xcode

Xcode 8 iOS 10 non stop device logs

Upgrade to macOS Sierra and use the re-designed Console app. It now lists connected devices and allows advanced filtering and searching of the device logs, better than anything Xcode has been able to achieve in the past, e.g. by process name as shown in the screenshot below:iPhone log filtered by process

enter image description here

Note: this new app unfortunately uses 30% CPU while open, hopefully Apple can fix that, in the meantime be sure to quit it when mobile or endure serious battery drain.

This is just a workaround.You can try using iOS Console which allows you to filter the content.

This issue depends NOT on xcode 8 it's also on xcode 7.The "kernel(AppleBiometricSensor)[0] :" messages will gone if you put the iOS device to sleep and back again if you press home.

iOS 10.0.2 Update -> NO FIX