Xcode 9.0.1 Interface Builder 100% CPU opening iOS Storyboard Xcode 9.0.1 Interface Builder 100% CPU opening iOS Storyboard xcode xcode

Xcode 9.0.1 Interface Builder 100% CPU opening iOS Storyboard

I received a response from my bug report with a suggested workaround. The suggestion was to edit the storyboard text and change the value for the translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints attribute from NO to YES in the applicable toolbar tags in the storyboard.


<toolbar opaque="NO" clearsContextBeforeDrawing="NO" contentMode="scaleToFill" fixedFrame="YES" translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="NO" id="KCx-9L-amg">


<toolbar opaque="NO" clearsContextBeforeDrawing="NO" contentMode="scaleToFill" fixedFrame="YES" translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="YES" id="KCx-9L-amg">

I have two storyboard files in my project and this does solve the problem with both of them.

I FOUND A FIX!! I have been struggling with this for WEEKS and it has been SO frustrating. Tonight I had an epiphany! From what I have noticed and read, the issue seems to be caused by a massive amount of over-building, particularly if you have IBDesignables in your storyboard like I do. So I thought, 'what if I use Apple's new build system they announced this summer?'

In Xcode, go to File > Project Settings. Then change the Build System from "Standard Build System" to "New Build System". Voila! It has been working just like it used to! Hopefully it is not just a temporary fix like some of the others I have seen. So far it seems amazing.

I also am using Xcode 9.0 as an extra precaution that I downloaded from here: https://developer.apple.com/download/more/

I have the same problem. I have MacBook Pro and iMac both running High Sierra. Just like you I only upgraded on one of my computers (MacBook Pro). I have tried everything and nothing work. I even reinstalled the OS and copied the old Xcode from the iMac.

I have found out how to fix it :-) I created a new storyboard and put everything in bit by bit until I found the problematic code. I found out that systemItem="trash" was the problem. Then I went to the original storyboard and deleted systemItem="trash" and everything works!

I also tried to use add and its also failed. So open the src code for the storyboard and search for systemItem.

Any image in Bar Item will get Xcode stuck. I just tried to replace the system item icon with my own trash icon and again ...

enter image description here

picture of bar button item