Xcode 9 folder references with custom project template Xcode 9 folder references with custom project template xcode xcode

Xcode 9 folder references with custom project template

Here is what you need to do. In the node section specify the group before naming the file.


Next in the definitions provide the group name in the key like so:


Hopefully this will help.

For That purpose one can use Components as used in imessages template

Example of component is

<key>Components</key>    <array>        <dict>            <key>Identifier</key>            <string>com.apple.dt.unit.messagesextensioncomponentios</string>            <key>Name</key>            <string>___PACKAGENAME___ MessagesExtension</string>            <key>ProductBuildPhaseInjections</key>            <array>                <dict>                    <key>TargetIdentifier</key>                    <string>com.apple.dt.messagesOnlyApp</string>                </dict>            </array>        </dict>    </array>