Xcode beta 6 iOS 8: Simulator not working Xcode beta 6 iOS 8: Simulator not working xcode xcode

Xcode beta 6 iOS 8: Simulator not working

the trick is, to select the right command line tools!just select it hereenter image description here

reboot(!) and everything is fine again :-)

Ok It's known problem. Do you see simulators list? If not

Goto Xcode Menu -> Open Developer Tool -> It will open a simulator in your Dock -> click on simulator then go to Simulator Menu: Hardware -> Device -> Manage Devices. Add needed simulators. Always try to run your app with different simulators.someone will work.

Restart your Mac. I just had that exact error after installing Xcode 6 beta 7, literally the only thing I did in response was reboot my Mac and now the iOS 8 simulator is working.

This error is common if you update Xcode without restarting afterwards.