Xcode Bot integration error : Failed to mmap Xcode Bot integration error : Failed to mmap xcode xcode

Xcode Bot integration error : Failed to mmap

This is apparently due to a bug in Xcode 6.1.1. In order to workaround, I reinstalled Xcode 6.1.

I was not able to just select another version of Xcode in the Server app, I had to completely reset the Xcode service (this will delete all your bots, you will have to recreate them):

sudo xcrun xcscontrol --reset

Before I could select Xcode 6.1 in the Server app I also had to run this command:

sudo xcrun xcscontrol --initialize

If someone feels very adventurous and would like to understand the root cause of the problem on Xcode 6.1.1, here is where the error comes from. The libgit2 binary is at /Xcode-6.1.1.app/Contents/Developer/usr/lib/libgit2.dylib

I had the same issue and I just updated the bot without making any changes to fix this. Just go to Report navigator in Xcode, select your bot, press "Edit bot..." and update it without making any changes.

As of version 6.3 (possibly earlier), Xcode now offers a "Fix it" button that fixes the Git credentials, and got me up and running. The next build had warnings about the working copy state, but after a cleaning, the next build was fine.