Xcode Buildtime Error: 'Unable to load contents of file list: '.../Info.plist' (in target 'xxxx') Xcode Buildtime Error: 'Unable to load contents of file list: '.../Info.plist' (in target 'xxxx') xcode xcode

Xcode Buildtime Error: 'Unable to load contents of file list: '.../Info.plist' (in target 'xxxx')

In my case, I just fixed below

  1. Open terminal under project folder
  2. pod deintegrate
  3. sudo gem install cocoapods-clean
  4. pod clean
  5. Open the project and delete (if it's still there) the “Pods” folder that should be red
  6. pod setup (This may take some time)
  7. pod install

I fix this in this way:

1、Go to your project's target, -> Build Phases -> Embed Pods Frameworks

2、check the input files and input file lists, Output files, and output file lists.

3、move dir from input file lists to input files, and output file lists to output files


I realised after a while that my colleague has updated cocoapods to the latest version, so what I did was just

sudo gem install cocoapods

And that did the trick! :)