Xcode cannot locate localized info.plist Xcode cannot locate localized info.plist xcode xcode

Xcode cannot locate localized info.plist

I think Info.plist can not be localized. If you want to localize your application Name, you should localize the InfoPlist.strings file and use those keys :

"CFBundleDisplayName" = "AppName";"CFBundleName" = "AppName";

Step by step localized Info.plist:

  1. Find in the x-code the folder Resources (is placed in root)
  2. Select the folder Resources
  3. Then press the main menu File->New->File...
  4. Select in section "Resource" Strings File and press Next
  5. Then in Save As field write InfoPlist ONLY ("I" capital and "P" capital)
  6. Then press Create
  7. Then select the file InfoPlist.strings that created in Resources folder and press in the right menu the button "Localize"
  8. Then you Select the Project from the Project Navigator and select the The project from project list
  9. In the info tab at the bottom you can as many as language you want (There is in section Localizations)
  10. The language you can see in Resources Folder
  11. To localize the values ("key") from info.plist file you can open with a text editor and get all the keys you want to localize
  12. You write any key as the example in any InfoPlist.strings like the above example



That's all work and you have localize your info.plist file!