Xcode Crash Organizer does Not Symbolicate .xccrashpoint Files Xcode Crash Organizer does Not Symbolicate .xccrashpoint Files xcode xcode

Xcode Crash Organizer does Not Symbolicate .xccrashpoint Files

Not ideal, but if you right-click an .xccrashpoint file, select "Show Package Contents", you can navigate its folder structure to find the actual .crash file which you can extract and then symbolicate through the command line using steps described here:



Ensure that DEVELOPER_DIR is set:

export DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer

Short Story:

In Xcode 9.0: "The Crashes Organizer symbolicates unsymbolicated logs, if they are selected, using a local .dSYM indexed by Spotlight. (22550064)"

You can check out more on this in Xcode's Documentation.

Long Story:

When Xcode builds an .xcarchive for a machine code app it generates .dSYM files that are being indexed by Spotlight by default. For an app uploaded with bitcode you can use the Archives organizer to download dSYMs where they are being indexed by Spotlight by default.

If you choose not to include symbol information when uploading your app to the App Store, the crash logs downloaded by the Crashes Organizer will be unsymbolicated. If you have the appropriate .dSYM files that were generated for the app version that crashed, Xcode will automatically symbolicate the crash when you click on the crash to view it. This functionality exists in Xcode 9.0+. You may manually invoke a re-symbolication by right-clicking on the log detail view and clicking "symbolicate".

I'm doing this for the first time in Xcode 10. Right clicking on my crash log and selecting Symbolicate was having no effect. I selected the build in the Archives section of the Organizer window and clicked the "Download Debug Symbols" button in the right-side pane. This didn't seem to do anything, but when I went back to Crashes and told Xcode to symbolicate the same crash again, this time it worked.