xcode cut last characters from string xcode cut last characters from string xcode xcode

xcode cut last characters from string

just looked for it my self few minutes ago

NSString *str = @"1234567890";NSString *newStr;newStr = [str substringToIndex:[str length]-5];NSLog(@"%@", newStr);

I hope it's not too late for this answer:

NSString *str = @"1234567890";NSString *newStr;newStr = [str substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(str.length -1, 1)];NSLog(@"%@", newStr);

Although you provided a string of "1234567889" and the above code should work fine, however, in real life if it's a different string then please check to ensure that it's not empty before doing the above, otherwise, str.length would return -1 causing an error.

I hope this helps.

Kind Regards,Heider Sati