Xcode: LLVM 7.0: Disable warning "Umbrella header for module does not include header" Xcode: LLVM 7.0: Disable warning "Umbrella header for module does not include header" xcode xcode

Xcode: LLVM 7.0: Disable warning "Umbrella header for module does not include header"

If you're getting this warning from a “Compile Swift source files” ▸ “Precompile bridging header” build step (also labeled PrecompileSwiftBridgingHeader), here's how you suppress it:

  1. Find the Build Settings for your project.
  2. Search for “Other Swift Flags”.
  3. Add -Xcc and -Wno-incomplete-umbrella to “Other Swift Flags” (in that order).

Xcode build settings

The warning flag is -Wincomplete-umbrella, so to suppress, pass -Wno-incomplete-umbrella.

Try setting the header role from public to project and make sure that you don't reference any third-party headers from your own headers - only from implementations.

Any header that is of role public must be imported into the umbrella header.