Xcode Provisioning Profiles Location Xcode Provisioning Profiles Location xcode xcode

Xcode Provisioning Profiles Location

Where they have been for older versions of Xcode: ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles

Provisioning profiles are not stored with the project. Xcode has a common area and the profile is pulled when you build and bundled with the ipa.

  1. Go to the Finder
  2. From the “Go” menu navigate down to “Go to Folder
  3. Hit Command+Shift+G from the Mac OS X desktop or a Finder window
  4. Search below Path

~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles

enter image description here

FWIW if you're building into a physical device, then if you dig through your derived data, you can find:


In the Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos directory you'll find your app name just like:

CoolAppName  // it won't have any `.app` extension or anything. 

You just have to right click on it and hit 'show package contents' or just change directory to that...

then find a file with .mobileprovision extension.

Remember you won't find this if you're building with simulator, because simulators, don't need provisioning profiles.

How to see what's inside?

Either just use Preview or see detailed instructions from Dev Forums - Quinn on how to dump it. e.g.

$ security cms -D -i ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/8d04addd-d7f5-4872-bd48-f6885bb67433.mobileprovision