xcode std::wcout with wchar_t or std::wstring! xcode std::wcout with wchar_t or std::wstring! xcode xcode

xcode std::wcout with wchar_t or std::wstring!

i had a sinilar problem but with wostream/wofstream. Googled it and this was the anser:

tc_ofstream ofs;if (sizeof(TCHAR) == sizeof(wchar_t)){    //codecvt_utf16<TCHAR> utf16; cannot make use of non-dynamic value    locale   loc ( locale::classic() ,new codecvt_utf16<TCHAR> );    ofs.imbue( loc );    ofs.open( _T(".\\test.txt") ,tc_ios::binary );    TCHAR BOM = 0xFEFF;    ofs << BOM;    ofs << _T("UNICODE") << endl;}else{    ofs.open( _T(".\\test.txt") ,tc_ios::binary );    ofs << _T("NON-UNICODE") << endl;}

If you use wxWidgets, wxString handles this for you automagically, using wxConvCurrent.