Xcode: "The working copy ____ has uncommitted changes" vs. git status: "nothing to commit, working directory clean" Xcode: "The working copy ____ has uncommitted changes" vs. git status: "nothing to commit, working directory clean" xcode xcode

Xcode: "The working copy ____ has uncommitted changes" vs. git status: "nothing to commit, working directory clean"

Okay, so I fixed my issue.

With Xcode open:

  1. Open terminal - cd / to your project directory.
  2. Type in: "git reset --hard"
  3. Type in git status

Restart Xcode and make a commit (Just a comment or something )

Repeat the above steps.

This sorted out my issue for me.

You must fix it with command line git. Go to your working folder in Terminal, type:

git status

That will show you what files have uncommitted changes. Crashlytics, for instance, will update itself as soon as you run it, and even using Xcode/Source Control/Discard Changes won't get rid of it.

Once you see the files that have uncommitted changes (ignore added files), use:

git checkout -- Folder/filename.ext

That's the same as a "discard" in Xcode.

After you've done that, go back to Xcode and you should be able to switch branches.

xCode is really-really crappy. Everytime you just look at files, a file called UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate is changed. You don't see it in the overview of xCode itself, through the command line you can.

Quick fix:

  1. Open Terminal
  2. CD to your project directory, and type the following:
  3. git add .
  4. git commit -m "Commit"
  5. git push origin master