Xcode will not open my project Xcode will not open my project xcode xcode

Xcode will not open my project

Nothing mentioned above/below worked for me. Here's what I did instead:

Right click on the .xcodeproj file and select Show Package Contents. Then delete the project.xcworkspace file. Open the project in Xcode and voilà.

There are a couple of things you can try, first make sure Xcode is not running ,trash the ~/Library/Cache/ folder contents, and trash the contents of the ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ folder, if you what to can just find the stuff for your project in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ and trash just that. Then restart your computer.

If that doesn't work, rename your faulty projects folder to so method like ' old', create a new project of the same name, and then move all of the source files from ' old' to you new project and add them. Its a bit painful I known but I have had to do this once to get a project working again.

Double click the actual file! NOT the recent item!

Turns out that double-clicking on the actual file instead of selecting it from the Welcome to Xcode window will help open the project as expected!

Also, after the first time open it with double-clicking the file, the window will be fixed by itself 🤷🏻‍♂️