android: assigning a constant value to a xml-element android: assigning a constant value to a xml-element xml xml

android: assigning a constant value to a xml-element

No, you can't. Constant values in classes are only available at runtime, and the XML files are compiled and generated before runtime.

The next-best thing to do is declare the XML constants you want to use in res/values/integers.xml. Here's an example integers.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><resources>    <integer name="max">10</integer></resources>

to use this value in your XML, do this:

<YourComponent    android:yourattr="@integer/max"/>

It's possible using Data Binding.

The class should look something like this:

class Constants extends BaseObservable {    private static final int MY_INT = 10;    @Bindable    public int getMyInt() {        return MY_INT;    }}

and the xml like this:

<layout    ...    >    <data>        <variable            name="constants"            type="your.package.Constants" />    </data>...<YourComponent    android:max='@{constamts.myInt}'...</layout>
  • Don't forget to set the binding itself (binding.setConstants(constants)).

Your question is not very clear, what do you want to do with that?If you want to use a constant value then just create the ui-widgets with the constants and just ignore the xml.