Android how to make View highlight when clicked? Android how to make View highlight when clicked? xml xml

Android how to make View highlight when clicked?

Ok I have finally figured out how to do this...basically it is done using a selector like the color selector linked by style except instead of 'color' use a drawable for the states and you can refer to the default list drawable that is used in ListView by this:

<selector xmlns:android=""><item android:state_pressed="true"    android:drawable="@android:drawable/list_selector_background" />      </selector>

and using this xml as the background for my View.

All the public default drawables can be found here:

I was able to do the same with a text view that I wanted to behave like a list item by using:


This might be a good place to start looking.

Although, i would advise you to use the ListView itself, rather than implementing it again.