Android StackScrollLayout Android StackScrollLayout xml xml

Android StackScrollLayout

1-Include the view inside your layout xml

<com.bartoszlipinski.flippablestackview.FlippableStackView    android:id="@+id/stack"    android:layout_width="match_parent"    android:layout_height="match_parent" />

2-FlippableStackView is based on the specific PageTransformer used with the ViewPager. Therefore to fill the View you can use just a typical implementation of a PagerAdapter. In your onCreate method (or onCreateView for a fragment), setup all the parameters of the FlippableStackView.

 FlippableStackView stack = (FlippableStackView) findViewById(;    stack.initStack(2);    stack.setAdapter(mStackAdapter);        //assuming mStackAdapter contains your initialized adapter

3-Important Note: The current implementation of the library will display the elements from the Adapter in the reverse order. In other words: view at position 0 of your adapter will be displayed at the bottom of the stack and view at position adapter.getCount()-1 will be visible first (available for the first flip).

for a working example and reference check the library hereFlippableStackView