Appcompat res values-v21 themes_base errors on eclipse are not going away Appcompat res values-v21 themes_base errors on eclipse are not going away xml xml

Appcompat res values-v21 themes_base errors on eclipse are not going away

Build your project with the API 21 SDK to Let your project know about resource for API 21.Don't forget to clean and re-build.

First check if Eclipse includes appcompat_v21 on your Library path.

Right click on your project -> Properties -> Android

enter image description here

Check if the project appcompat_v21 is checked.

If it doesn't solve your problem. Carefully check the your


And change android:theme into:


Then, clean your project and it should be fine.

i had the same problem in appcompat_v7 support libin values-21\themes_base.xml that

error retrieving parrent Base.V7.Theme.AppCompat

than i completely delete project from workspase and update Android Support Library to 21.0.2and re-import library from extras\android.....appcompat

problem solvedi hope this helps you