Best way to insert large xml files into xml columns (on remote SQL Server) Best way to insert large xml files into xml columns (on remote SQL Server) xml xml

Best way to insert large xml files into xml columns (on remote SQL Server)

Below is one potential way to chunk this using only .NET. I have not tried executing this, but it should work.

    public static ChunkedXmlInsert(XmlItem item)    {        int bufferSize = 65536;        using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))        {            CreateTempTable(connection);            int position = 0;            using (StreamReader textStream = File.OpenText(item.XmlFileName))            {                char[] buffer = new char[bufferSize];                int length = textStream.Read(buffer, position, buffer.Length);                long id = InsertFirstBlock(connection, new string(buffer, 0, length));                while (textStream.EndOfStream == false)                {                    position += length;                    length = textStream.Read(buffer, position, buffer.Length);                    AppendBlock(connection, id, new string(buffer, 0, length));                }            }            CopyRecordFromTemp(connection, id);        }    }    private static void CreateTempTable(SqlConnection connection)    {        using (SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand())        {            command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;            command.CommandText = @"CREATE TABLE #TBL_XML (                                                              [XmlFileID] [BIGINT] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,                                                              [FileName] [NVARCHAR](500) NULL,                                                              [XmlData] [NVARCHAR(MAX)] NULL,                                                              [DateCreated] [DATETIME] NOT NULL                                                          )";            command.ExecuteNonQuery();        }    }    private static long InsertFirstBlock(SqlConnection connection, string text)    {        using (SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand())        {            command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;            command.CommandText = @"INSERT INTO #TBL_XML                                                        ( [XmlData] ,                                                           [FileName] ,                                                           [DateCreated]                                                        )                                         VALUES (@XMLData, @FileName, GETDATE()); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()";            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FileName", System.IO.Path.GetFileName(item.XmlFileName));            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@XmlData", text);            return (long)command.ExecuteScalar();        }    }    private static void AppendBlock(SqlConnection connection, long id, string text)    {        using (SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand())        {            command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;            command.CommandText = @"UPDATE #TBL_XML                                            SET XmlData = XmlData + @xmlData                                    WHERE XmlFileID = @XmlFileID";            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@XmlData", text);            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@XmlFileID", id);            command.ExecuteNonQuery();        }    }    private static long CopyRecordFromTemp(SqlConnection connection, long id)    {        using (SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand())        {            command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;            command.CommandText = @"INSERT INTO [dbo].[TBL_XML] ([XmlData], [FileName], [DateCreated])                                    SELECT CONVERT(xml, [XmlData]), [FileName], [DateCreated]                                    FROM #TBL_XML                                    WHERE XmlFileID = @XmlFileID; SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()";            return (long)command.ExecuteScalar();        }    }

As you need to store data at remote SQL Server you need to transfer whole file content through a network. In general there is two ways:

  • you transfer data to remote server;
  • remote server reads data from your local file.

The second way is not in the scope of this question. And the first could be done in several ways supposing you implement stored procedure at the remote server:

  • implementing 'upload' functionality which transfers data in portions, joins them at server's side and stores in DB;
  • packing XML content at client side and unpacking and storing at server side;
  • combination of above methods.

You can write the stored procedure to insert the large xml file into the database.In that stored procedure you can send your xml file input as nvarchar(max). Note that the nvarchar(max) will accept up to 8000 characters.

In your code the main flow is that you are passing xml from file stream which is very costly affair.

If your file is to large from nvarchar(max) then you can use more input parameters in your stored procedure and then concatenate these input parameters to insert the single value as a xml file.