Conversion from SVG file to XML file Conversion from SVG file to XML file xml xml

Conversion from SVG file to XML file

1) In Android Studio press File > New > Vector Asset. Select SVG file in Path.

enter image description here

You will get a new XML file in drawables folder.

Or you can use these methods.


3) with checkbox "Specify --fix-fill-type".

SVG file is already in XML format. But it describes a picture. You can use a graphic programs to convert it to other picture formats, e.g. BMP, PNG which can be then inserted as an Image element into your diagram drawing canvas. (See also chapter "Using the Image Manager" in the help file)

The XML file which can be imported into your EA model using the XMI Import and Export tool must contain an UML model in the XMI format, not just a picture or a printscreen

No that won't be possible.SVG is a graphics format, so it only contains information about image of your diagram, not about the contents of the UML model it represents.It doesn't know about UML, so you'll never be able to use that as a format to import something into EA.

What you need is an XMI file. XMI is the standard for UML models interchange. Check the documentation of your design tool to find out if there is an XMI export facility.