Convert String XML fragment to Document Node in Java Convert String XML fragment to Document Node in Java xml xml

Convert String XML fragment to Document Node in Java

Element node =  DocumentBuilderFactory    .newInstance()    .newDocumentBuilder()    .parse(new ByteArrayInputStream("<node>value</node>".getBytes()))    .getDocumentElement();

You can use the document's import (or adopt) method to add XML fragments:

  /**   * @param docBuilder   *          the parser   * @param parent   *          node to add fragment to   * @param fragment   *          a well formed XML fragment   */  public static void appendXmlFragment(      DocumentBuilder docBuilder, Node parent,      String fragment) throws IOException, SAXException {    Document doc = parent.getOwnerDocument();    Node fragmentNode = docBuilder.parse(        new InputSource(new StringReader(fragment)))        .getDocumentElement();    fragmentNode = doc.importNode(fragmentNode, true);    parent.appendChild(fragmentNode);  }

For what it's worth, here's a solution I came up with using the dom4j library. (I did check that it works.)

Read the XML fragment into a org.dom4j.Document (note: all the XML classes used below are from org.dom4j; see Appendix):

  String newNode = "<node>value</node>"; // Convert this to XML  SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();  Document newNodeDocument = StringReader(newNode));

Then get the Document into which the new node is inserted, and the parent Element (to be) from it. (Your org.w3c.dom.Document would need to be converted to org.dom4j.Document here.) For testing purposes, I created one like this:

    Document originalDoc =       new SAXReader().read(new StringReader("<root><given></given></root>"));    Element givenNode = originalDoc.getRootElement().element("given");

Adding the new child element is very simple:


Done. Outputting originalDoc now yields:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><root>    <given>        <node>value</node>    </given></root>

Appendix: Because your question talks about org.w3c.dom.Document, here's how to convert between that and org.dom4j.Document.

// dom4j -> w3cDOMWriter writer = new DOMWriter();org.w3c.dom.Document w3cDoc = writer.write(dom4jDoc);// w3c -> dom4jDOMReader reader = new DOMReader();Document dom4jDoc =;

(If you'd need both kind of Documents regularly, it might make sense to put these in neat utility methods, maybe in a class called XMLUtils or something like that.)

Maybe there are better ways to do this, even without any 3rd party libraries. But out of the solutions presented so far, in my view this is the easiest way, even if you need to do the dom4j <-> w3c conversions.

Update (2011): before adding dom4j dependency to your code, note that it is not an actively maintained project, and has some other problems too. Improved version 2.0 has been in the works for ages, but there's only an alpha version available. You may want to consider an alternative, like XOM, instead; read more in the question linked above.