Crashing due to "No package identifier when getting value of resource number..." [duplicate] Crashing due to "No package identifier when getting value of resource number..." [duplicate] xml xml

Crashing due to "No package identifier when getting value of resource number..." [duplicate]

I ran into this same issue a while ago, I assume that it is fixed but I figured an alternative answer is always welcome :) When using the setText() method you CANNOT send through primitive data types such as int and double, rather convert to string and then send through the string. This fixed my issue when it popped up

Android doesn't allow uppercase resource names




etc for the other's you have

I wanted to look at the ID name for a LinearLayout to make sure I was accessing the correct one in my code. This error for me happened because I had forgotten to add an android:id="@+id/myid" into one of my XML layout files (because that file wasn't the focus of my attention at that point!)