curl and xmllint pipe curl and xmllint pipe xml xml

curl and xmllint pipe

Seems that xmllint requires the - stdin redirect be at the end of the command.

curl --location --header "Accept: application/rdf+xml" \  | xmllint --format --xpath '//title' -

more succinct

curl | xmllint --format -


Here we are piping the xml from the curl command into the xmllint command. The xmllint man page says

$ man xmllint> ... The xmllint program parses one or more XML files, specified on the command line as XML-FILE (or the standard input if the filename provided is - ).

So that's why we do xmllint --format - because this particular command will read from stdin if you specify - as the filename. Sidenote, there's a discussion about the - arg here. I personally don't like that stdin is not the default but I'm not the author.