DataContract deserialization fails due to incorrect ordering of XML nodes DataContract deserialization fails due to incorrect ordering of XML nodes xml xml

DataContract deserialization fails due to incorrect ordering of XML nodes

I encountered this problem recently. To work around it, I used the XmlSerializer and removed the explicit ordering from the XmlElement attributes:

set proxy_tool="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\SvcUtil.exe" /nologo /t:code /ser:XmlSerializer /UseSerializerForFaultsset sed_tool="$(ProjectDir)sed.exe" -r -i "s/,?[[:space:]]*Order=[[:digit:]]+//"%proxy_tool%  /o:"Proxy1.cs" /n:*,Namespaces.Name1 "Proxy1.wsdl"%sed_tool% "Proxy1.cs"%proxy_tool%  /o:"Proxy2.cs" /n:*,Namespaces.Name2 "Proxy2.wsdl"%sed_tool% "Proxy2.cs"...

There's some more information on my blog post.

If you want to know why the order matters, it's because a sequence in XSD has a defined order, and the web service contracts are defined with XSD.

From the specification:

The consequence of this definition is that any element appearing in an instance whose type is declared to be USAddress (e.g. shipTo in po.xml) must consist of five elements and one attribute. These elements must be called name, street, city, state and zip as specified by the values of the declarations' name attributes, and the elements must appear in the same sequence (order) in which they are declared.

You can use the Order member of DataMemberAttribute to help with this, but in most cases: XML is order-specific (for elements, not attributes) - so it isn't specifically wrong.

That said: if you want fine control over XML serialization, DataContractSerializer is a poor choice XmlSerializer offers more control - and is less fussy re order iirc.