Disable all checkstyle checks for a specific java package Disable all checkstyle checks for a specific java package xml xml

Disable all checkstyle checks for a specific java package

Just use the suppression:

<suppress checks="." files="com[\\/]mydomain[\\/]abc[\\/]xyz[\\/]jaxws[\\/]managed[\\/]"/>

Alternatively, I would recommend only passing the files you want checked to Checkstyle. For example, if you are using ANT, use a to specify the files to process, and use to specify files to ignore.

For example:

<fileset dir="src">  <include name="**/*.java"/>  <exclude name="com/mycompany/abc/service/jaxws/service/*.java"/></fileset>

(?! delegate \b) [\/][a-z]*[\/]jaxws[\/]managed[\/]