Does anyone use config files for javascript? Does anyone use config files for javascript? xml xml

Does anyone use config files for javascript?

All you need to do is load a javascript file with some variable definitions, ideally namespaced. You can use a single object literal for this:

var config = {  option1: 'good;',   option2: {name: 'bad'},   option3: ['u','g','l','y']}

Then load that file as your first script and you will have access to config information in each subsequent script eg

if (config.option1 == 'good') doStuff();

JSON is hundreds of times faster to consume than XML, bring a native JavaScript object itself. Attach and forget.


James Westgate's example is JSON. You can use this inline or as an external file or even loaded via AJAX.

Here is another example:

var clientData = {}clientData.dataset1 = [    {name:'Dave', age:'41', userid:2345},    {name:'Vera', age:'32', userid:9856}]alert(clientData.dataset1[0].name)

Why not use a separate js file to store your environment-specific settings?

Just like you can use multiple CSS files to style your page, you can use multiple js files as well.

So you could create a file called app-config.js with specific settings:

var SiteName = "";var HeaderImage = "";

And then you include the js on your pages like this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/app-config.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="/js/app.js"></script>