Find an XElement with a certain attribute name and value with LINQ Find an XElement with a certain attribute name and value with LINQ xml xml

Find an XElement with a certain attribute name and value with LINQ


XElement result = elm.Descendants("image")   .FirstOrDefault(el => el.Attribute("size") != null &&                         el.Attribute("size").Value == "large");if (result != null) {    process result.Value ...}

Starting with C#6.0 (VS 2015), you can write:

XElement result = elm.Descendants("image")   .FirstOrDefault(el => el.Attribute("size")?.Value == "large");if (result != null) {    process result.Value ...}

A non-obvious alternative (as @RandRandom pointed out) is to cast the Attribute to string:

XElement result = elm.Descendants("image")   .FirstOrDefault(el => (string)el.Attribute("size") == "large");if (result != null) {    process result.Value ...}

This works, because because of XAttribute Explicit Conversion (XAttribute to String).

you can use XPathSelectElement extension method

var node = elm.XPathSelectElement("descendant::image[@size='large']");if (node!=null){    var path = node.Value;}