Finding node order in XML document in SQL Server Finding node order in XML document in SQL Server xml xml

Finding node order in XML document in SQL Server

You can emulate the position() function by counting the number of sibling nodes preceding each node:

SELECT    code = value.value('@code', 'int'),    parent_code = value.value('../@code', 'int'),    ord = value.value('for $i in . return count(../*[. << $i]) + 1', 'int')FROM @Xml.nodes('//value') AS T(value)

Here is the result set:

code   parent_code  ord----   -----------  ---1      NULL         111     1            1111    11           112     1            2121    12           11211   121          11212   121          2

How it works:

  • The for $i in . clause defines a variable named $i that contains the current node (.). This is basically a hack to work around XQuery's lack of an XSLT-like current() function.
  • The ../* expression selects all siblings (children of the parent) of the current node.
  • The [. << $i] predicate filters the list of siblings to those that precede (<<) the current node ($i).
  • We count() the number of preceding siblings and then add 1 to get the position. That way the first node (which has no preceding siblings) is assigned a position of 1.

You can get the position of the xml returned by a x.nodes() function like so:

row_number() over (order by (select 0))

For example:

DECLARE @x XMLSET @x = '<a><b><c>abc1</c><c>def1</c></b><b><c>abc2</c><c>def2</c></b></a>'SELECT    b.query('.'),    row_number() over (partition by 0 order by (select 0))FROM    @x.nodes('/a/b') x(b)

SQL Server's row_number() actually accepts an xml-nodes column to order by. Combined with a recursive CTE you can do this:

declare @Xml xml = '<value code="1">    <value code="11">        <value code="111"/>    </value>    <value code="12">        <value code="121">            <value code="1211"/>            <value code="1212"/>        </value>    </value></value>';with recur as (    select        ordr        = row_number() over(order by,        parent_code = cast('' as varchar(255)),        code        ='@code', 'varchar(255)'),        children    ='./value')    from @Xml.nodes('value') x(ml)    union all    select        ordr        = row_number() over(order by,        parent_code = recur.code,        code        ='@code', 'varchar(255)'),        children    ='./value')    from recur    cross apply recur.children.nodes('value') x(ml))select *from recurwhere parent_code = '121'order by ordr

As an aside, you can do this and it'll do what do you expect:

select'.')from @Xml.nodes('value/value')x(ml)order by row_number() over (order by

Why, if this works, you can't just order by directly without row_number() over is beyond me.