FSETSERVICE. can not implement web service, soap client FSETSERVICE. can not implement web service, soap client xml xml

FSETSERVICE. can not implement web service, soap client

If you change your basicHttpBinding from:

<basicHttpBinding>    <binding name="basicHttpEndPoint" messageEncoding="Mtom">        <security mode="TransportWithMessageCredential" />    </binding></basicHttpBinding>


  <basicHttpBinding>    <binding name="basicHttpEndPoint" messageEncoding="Mtom">      <security mode="TransportWithMessageCredential">        <transport clientCredentialType="None" />        <message clientCredentialType="UserName"/>      </security>              </binding>  </basicHttpBinding>

And call the web method in code behind like so:

public void test2(){    string resp;    FsetServiceClient client = new FsetServiceClient("basicHttpEndPoint");    client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "UserName";    client.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "Password123";    // client.ClientCredentials.ClientCertificate.Certificate = GetCertificateFromStore("3db96ac58545346382d0e6d1456bfcd7145d3514")    try    {        resp = client.Ping();    }    catch (Exception ex)    {        Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString());    }}

Do you get different results? I am assuming the user name and password in your example are not valid. You may need to be passing a certificate as well.