How can I concatenate static strings with XML string resources? How can I concatenate static strings with XML string resources? xml xml

How can I concatenate static strings with XML string resources?

Sorry, no such syntax is supported by Android resource files.

Using XML entities it's possible.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!DOCTYPE resources [  <!ENTITY mintues "minutes">  <!ENTITY minute "minute">  <!ENTITY seconds "seconds">]><resources>  <string-array name="interval_labels">    <item>30 &seconds;</item>    <item>1 &minute;/item>    <item>5 &minutes;</item>    <item>10 &minutes;</item>    <item>15 &minutes;</item>    <item>30 &minutes;</item>    <item>60 &minutes;</item>  </string-array></resources>

I used this answer: dynamic String using String.xml?

There is a way of sort-of getting this effect, by defining the string resource with a place holder and using String.format() style overload of getResourses().getString() in the code behind:

In string.xml

<string name="secs">%1$d seconds</string>

In activity_layout.xml

<TextView android:id="@+id/secs_label" />


((TextView)findViewByID(, 25));