How do I create XML using Nokogiri::XML::Builder with a hyphen in the element name? How do I create XML using Nokogiri::XML::Builder with a hyphen in the element name? xml xml

How do I create XML using Nokogiri::XML::Builder with a hyphen in the element name?

Here you go:

require 'nokogiri'b = do |xml|  xml.send(:"fooo-bar", "hello")endputs b.to_xml

Bart Vandendriessche's answer works but there is a simpler solution if you only want a text field within the element.

require 'nokogiri'b = do |xml|  xml.send(:"foo-bar", 'hello')endputs b.to_xml


<?xml version="1.0"?><foo-bar>hello</foo-bar>

If you need them to be nested then you can pass a block

require 'nokogiri'b = do |xml|  xml.send(:'foo-bar') {    xml.send(:'bar-foo', 'hello')  }endputs b.to_xml


<?xml version="1.0"?><foo-bar>  <bar-foo>hello</bar-foo></foo-bar>

Aaron Patterson's answer is correct and will work for element names containing any character that may otherwise be interpreted by the Ruby parser.

Answering Angela's question: to place text inside a element created this way you can do something like this:

require 'rubygems'require 'nokogiri'b = do |xml|  xml.send(:'') {    xml.text 'hello'  }endputs b.to_xml