How do I get my blogdown blog on R-Bloggers? How do I get my blogdown blog on R-Bloggers? xml xml

How do I get my blogdown blog on R-Bloggers?

In the Hugo documentation (, they provide the embedded RSS xml file that currently "ships with" Hugo. According to the docs, a section’s RSS will be rendered at /SECTION/index.xml (e.g., So for your posts, it would be

The key line in the built-in RSS xml file is this one:

<description>{{ .Summary | html }}</description>

From this discussion (, it looks like you want to change what goes in the description tags from .Summary to .Content. Here is an example blog post where the author implemented this change:

So you would change that one line in the Hugo RSS xml to:

<description>{{ .Content | html }}</description>

The full rss.xml file should live in your layouts/ folder, with that one line changed.

It does look like there are other options you could test, like working with output formats in your config.toml file (; and referencing your RSS in your header.html (, but changing .Summary to .Content should address your issue.

This seemed to work for me...

create a directory in your layouts folder called tags. So you should have this folder structure:


(this isn't the layouts directory in the themes directory).

Then create a new file:


Then paste this into your newly created rss.xml