How do you read XML column in SQL Server 2008? How do you read XML column in SQL Server 2008? xml xml

How do you read XML column in SQL Server 2008?

Try something like this:

SELECT   Cust.value('(ItemId)[1]', 'int') AS 'ItemID',   Cust.value('(Value)[1]', 'Varchar(50)') AS 'Customer Name'FROM   dbo.Sales.CustomerList.nodes('/ArrayOfCustomers/Customer') AS AOC(Cust)

That should give you an output something like this:

ItemID  Customer Name   1         Mr Smith   2         Mr Bloggs

You need to use CROSS APPLY from table to XML column

create table sales (customerlist xml)insert sales select '    <ArrayOfCustomers xmlns:xsd=""                              xmlns:xsi="">       <Customer>           <ItemId>1</ItemId>           <Value>Mr Smith</Value>       </Customer>       <Customer>          <ItemId>2</ItemId>          <Value>Mr Bloggs</Value>       </Customer>    </ArrayOfCustomers>'

Your query:

SELECT   N.C.value('ItemId[1]', 'int') ItemId,   N.C.value('Value[1]', 'varchar(100)') ValueFROM dbo.SalesCROSS APPLY CustomerList.nodes('//Customer') N(C)

EDIT - note
The query above was written quickly to illustrate working with xml columns in a table (multi-row). For performance reasons, don't use '//Customer' but use an absolute path instead '/ArrayOfCustomers/Customer'. '//Customer' will go through the entire XML to find Customer nodes anywhere in the XML at any level.

Try this query:

SELECT  AccountDetail.value('(/Accounts/Account/AccountNumber)[1]', 'varchar(100)') AS AccountNumber,     AccountDetail.value('(/Accounts/Account/PayeeName)[1]', 'varchar(1000)') AS PayeeName,     AccountDetail.value('(/Accounts/Account/Amount)[1]', 'decimal(20,2)') AS AmountFROM [dbo].[AccountDetails]