How to add a hyperlink into a Preference Screen (PreferenceActivity) How to add a hyperlink into a Preference Screen (PreferenceActivity) xml xml

How to add a hyperlink into a Preference Screen (PreferenceActivity)

You don't want "hyperlinks", then. You want entries in the PreferenceScreen that, when tapped, launch some activity, such as to bring up a Web page on your desired URL.

That is covered by the <intent> element:

<Preference android:title="@string/prefs_web_page" >    <intent android:action="android.intent.action.VIEW"            android:data="" /></Preference>

Include those in your preference XML that you use to populate your PreferenceScreen, and when the user taps on the preference entry, your requested activity will start.

Java version is something like this:

PreferenceScreen link = man.createPreferenceScreen(this);this.setIntent(new Intent().setAction(Intent.ACTION_VIEW).setData(           Uri.parse("")));link.setTitle(R.string.link_title);link.setSummary(R.string.link_summary);// add to containing group// group.addPreference(link);