How to add xmlnamespace to a xmldocument How to add xmlnamespace to a xmldocument xml xml

How to add xmlnamespace to a xmldocument

This works for me:

XmlDocument.DocumentElement.SetAttribute("xmlns:xsi", "");XmlDocument.DocumentElement.SetAttribute("xmlns:xsd", "");

If you want to create the entire document you've posted, you might not want to forget the XML declaration:

        XmlDeclaration xml_declaration;        xml_declaration = XmlDocument.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "ISO-8859-1", "yes");        XmlElement document_element = XmlDocument.DocumentElement;        XmlDocument.InsertBefore(xml_declaration, document_element);

In certain cases you might need it.

This question also shows another way of doing this:Creating a specific XML document using namespaces in C#

You could alternatively use the XmlNamespaceManager class

Finally there is always Linq too, you could use a XDocument and XNamespace

XmlDocument xmlDocSPack = new XmlDocument();XmlNode xmldocNode = xmlDocSPack.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "", null);xmlDocSPack.AppendChild(xmldocNode);XmlElement LiftsMainNode = xmlDocSPack.CreateElement("Lifts");LiftsMainNode.SetAttribute("xmlns:xsi", "");xmlDocSPack.AppendChild(LiftsMainNode);xmlDocSPack.Save("SPack"+DateTime.Now.Year + ".xml");

Output :

<?xml version="1.0"?><Lifts xmlns:xsi="" />